PKKP Aboriginal Corporation ahead of the legislation curve in heritage protection
The PKKP Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC is continuing to ensure the future protection and preservation of heritage sites on PKKP country, after entering into agreements with Black Cat Syndicate Limited based on a joint commitment to the co-management of mining tenements at Paulsens East.
These agreements bind both parties to create and implement best practice cultural heritage management, whilst allowing Black Cat to recommence mining operations.
PKKP Chairman Terry Drage said the agreements reinforce the fundamental principles of co-management: greater control and involvement by PKKP traditional owners over mining activities on their land; communication between both parties on equal terms; and clear delineation of mine areas for which the various PKKP people speak.
Mr Drage further confirmed that the agreements are a great example of how PKKP people can work with smaller mining proponents.
Mr Drage said “Black Cat have been provided a social license to operate on PKKP country as they have acknowledged and committed to co-management. This is a great example of how co-management works on the ground when mining proponents are willing to work with us directly and not just complain about legislation.”
*Note to media: The Corporation will not be providing any further comment and only the PKKP can and should speak on behalf of their land.
Media Contact:
- Casey Cahill +61 413 992 195 /
- Simon Bailey +61 400 248 880 /
PDF – PKKP Aboriginal Corporation ahead of the legislation curve in heritage protection
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